Sunday, January 22, 2012

Diaper Cake - In 20 Minutes

This takes and extra set of hands but in can be made in about 20 minutes. I read up on the making of diaper cake through pinterest and google and thought that the easiest way to make a diaper cake was the rolling method. This is where you line up all the diapers and roll them up around your center base in one consecutive roll. I am all about time and money saving ideas so this looked perfect, not so much. The diapers just didn't want to hold each other in place and I did not have time to mess around with it ( I am a true procrastinator at heart). Rolling each diaper is MUCH easier and saves time in the long run.
  • Ribbon: 20 yards or so to tie the diaper rolls (to much is better than too little), Spool O Ribbon from Michaels
  • 3 Yards of decorative ribbon (I had 3 of the thick red and 3 of the sheer)
  • Toys (Buy these first and then the ribbon the match)
  • Stuffed Animal and flowers to decorate
  • Baby Shampoo
  • Cake Round (The base for a cake found at Michaels)
  • 50 Diapers (3 Layer Cake: 25 for the base, 15 for middle, 10 for the top)
Cut ribbon in strips long enough to tie around rolled diapers. Then hopefully have a friend help you roll up and tie all 50 diapers.

Place Shampoo in middle of cake round 14" or so. Circle first layer of diapers around bottle (25), don't be too worried about the placement or order. Have someone else hold  the diapers  while you tie wide ribbon around. Add next two layers; fifteen and ten diapers respectively. Add the decorative sheer and cut the ends of the ribbon into dove tails. Tuck toys in between sheer and wide ribbon and tie stuffed animal around the top with extra ribbon. Ready, set, diaper cake.

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